The Functional Health Practice


Osteopathy for babies & children. 5yocranial

Homeopath, Osteopath & cranial osteopath for babies & children near Ashford Kent

Emily is a qualified and registered family homeopath and osteopath, working confidently with babies and children from birth and beyond. Her experience both as a mother and practitioner allows for flexible, compassionate, gentle, clinically informed, holistic treatmemts delivered while they play, feed, sleep or cuddle.

Osteopathy for newborns and children, 0 - 16 years

Osteopathy is frequently used to support babies born after a difficult pregnancy and or delivery to reduce the effects of compression and birth trauma during vaginal and Caesarean delivery. Other examples of common complaints treated using osteopathy include feeding & latching difficulties eg/ tongue tie, poor sleep patterns, colic & digestive difficulties.




Older children often use osteopathy for:

  • Headaches
  • Anxiety & stress
  • Orthodontic support
  • Sports related injuries & growing pains
  • Menstrual complaints 
Osteopathy for babies and children uses techniques including rhythmic massage, gentle stretches and cranial osteopathy.

Homeopathy for children 

Working to stimulate the body's own mechanism of healing, homeopathy is a safe, gentle and effective form of treatment for a huge variety of emotional and physical childhood complaints. Suitable from birth, treatment works to address both the cause and symptoms with an invidualised prescription that supports each patient. Common complaints include eczema (results seen here) and: 


  • Anxiety
  • Birth trauma
  • colic
  • coughs
  • eczema
  • earache
  • exam pressue
  • digestive complaints
  • Eg reflux and constipation 
  • Hayfever & allergies 
  • Headaches
  • insomnia and sleep disturbances
  • nightmares/terrors
  • orthadintic supoort and teething 
  • period pains 
  • Warts and verrucas


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