The Functional Health Practice


Emily Toner - M.OST, BSc, LCHE

Emily Toner osteopath

Emily has built an independent, multidisciplinary and successful practice in Kent, offering a bespoke, holistic approach for adults, babies and children. With over 12 years experience, her treatments are highly skilled and effective, working to address the symptoms, root cause and overall health of her patients.


- First class honours masters degree from the European school of osteopathy and Greenwich university and fully registered with the General Osteopathic Council - GOSC 10656
- Specialist clinic and postgrad experience with babies, children, female/women’s health, maternity and postnatal osteopathy and sports rehab
- Additional cranial osteopathy, functional and visceral osteopathy skill sets

- Licentiate with distinction from The Centre of Homeopathic Education 

- Diploma and further certification in lymph drainage, female health, fertility, maternity and paediatric health 





Rhianon King - Dip, C

After spending many years in the corporate world, Rhiannon found her true calling during lockdown and began retraining in complementary therapies. Her approach to treatment resonates perfectly with the ethos of the practice, integrating spiritual, physical, mental and emotional well-being. Treatments are warm, friendly and delivered with love, aiming to heal and align the mind, body, and soul. 
Reflexology - diploma, Reiki - level 2

Bespoke treatments - individually focussed osteopathy, reflexology and homeopathy in Kent

Treatments are adapted and refined to create an individual, comprehensive approach to supporting emotional, structural, hormonal, lymphatic and circulatory complaints using the appropriate strengths of each therapy.

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